Make 2020 Your BEST YEAR EVER
Posted By: Andy Barker
Every year I see a big increase in the number of New Grad’s reaching out for help in January for help and support, more so than any other month of the year.
When I speak to them, they tell me their plans and say things like…
‘I’m going to read 3 journals a week’
‘I’m going to block out 3 hours a week for dedicated CPD’
‘This year I am going to transition from the NHS into private practice or sport’
‘I have set a goal to read 2 books a month’
‘Before Easter I am going to have gained experience with [insert organisation/sports club]’
‘This time next year I will have been promoted…
I’ll be working better hours…
and I’ll be earning more £££’
For most, that added enthusiasm and motivation for success soon falls by the wayside.
You start off with all the best intentions, but this only last a few weeks.
You lose that motivation and the enthusiasm you started with.
You stop adhering to your own plan, just as a patient stops adhering to your treatment plan if they feel they are not making progress.
Maybe you said you would read a few journals a week.
You start reading them, acquire some new knowledge, but don’t feel like you are using the information you have learnt.
The result…
…you forget what you have read and ultimately as you feel it is NOT improving your day-day practice you stop doing it.
And why wouldn’t you.
You feel like you are wasting your time, so you stop.
Whilst having the best intentions, you stop what you are doing, you stop making progress in your learning and as a result, come the end of the year, you have not made the progress you would have liked to have made in those 12 months.
As I write this blog in my office at home, I have 3 goals written on my whiteboard in front of me.
I know exactly where I want to be in 12 months-time.
Everything I do in 2020 will be helping me towards achieving those 3 goals.
Push Your Own Needle For 2020
To achieve anything this year you need to be clear on what you want to achieve.
Ask yourself the question…
‘Where Would You Like To Be In 12 Months-Time?’
Where are you working?
What job are you doing?
How much money are you earning?
Once you know where you want to get to you can then start to plan HOW you are going to get there and ensure you are pushing the needle towards your own goals.
Your Blueprint For Success
You’re probably thinking, Andy it’s all well and good setting goals and thinking about where I want to be in 12 months’ time, but how do I actually achieve this?
Maybe you tried this before and failed.
Many New Grad’s that I speak have tried and failed previously.
So, what do you do?
What you need is a PLAN.
You need to break down your big goals into smaller goals that you will hit throughout the year.
I have 3 big yearly goals.
Every month I set myself 3 monthly goals.
Then these are broken down into 3 weekly goals.
Then these are broken down further into 3 daily goals or tasks.
Writing this blog post is one of my daily goals for today.
Whether or not these goals are part of my daily, weekly or monthly plan, they are all helping me work towards my BIG 3 yearly goals.
That’s how you stay on track and keep moving that needle towards your goals.
Those big goals might seem out of reach at the start, but by achieving smaller steps along the way, these big goals are well within your reach.
Key Take-Aways
Get clear about WHERE you want to be in 12 months-time
Set BIG goals that will help you achieve this success
Then break down your these big goals into smaller goals (monthly, weekly and even daily) so you stay on track and give yourself the best opportunity to make 2020 your best year ever
The New Grad Physio Mentor
I’m offering some special one-one support for the first 10 therapists that reach out to me, first come first served, so don’t wait too long.
I can’t say what it is, but it will help you gain the clarity you need to make the best start to 2020 and take your first steps to achieving a successful year as a New Grad Physio.