So you can treat even tricky ankle patients!
The ankle is meant to be a relatively simple joint.
So, why is it that even simple ankle cases can sometimes struggle to get back to full fitness?
It used to baffle me as a New Grad.
I couldn’t quite grasp why such a simple joint was sometimes so tricky to fix up.
That’s until I learnt how to assess the ankle using a really simple test…
And how to use the results of this test to tell me exactly what to treat and what rehab to give my patients and athletes.
It stopped me wasting my time and efforts on methods that would never improve range of movement…
Because I was no longer treating the wrong thing!
I’ll show you how to do the same in this special podcast episode…
So you can give your patients exactly the right treatments and rehab they actually need…
Stop frustrating rehab for you and your patient…
And get quick, positive patient results with any ankle injury!
Enjoy the show!
PS. Andy would love to hear your feedback on this podcast. Please leave a review or get in touch at and he will get right back to you.
To get a copy of Andy’s book ‘How To Become A Competent, Competent & Competitive New Grad Physio’ or to access ALL his FREE learning resources visit…