How To F#*k Up Your Patients Rehab Plan

Posted By: Andy Barker

Every week I get a lot of questions.

In the main they are from students and new grads wanting help to get better results with their patients.

Isn’t that obvious?

Because that’s what you want isn’t it {{ subscriber.first_name }}, to give a better service to each and every patient that you treat?

What isn’t so obvious is why you currently feel you are not giving your patients what they need and sometimes maybe feel like you are letting them down.

This is tough to take as new grad as the sole thing you want is to help…

But it is almost the harder you try, the less progress your patient makes…

Leading you to feel exhausted, frustrated and unsure what to do to change this.

Most therapists I speak to think they have a problem with their treatment and rehab programmes.

They think they need to learn loads more techniques like acupuncture, dry needling, ART or some other 3-word treatment technique or…

Start using using blood flow restriction training or using some ‘sexy’ rehab protocols or exercises that you have seen your favourite physio using on Instagram.

Sure some of these techniques and rehab exercises might help.

But they will only help your patient if you give your patient the right intervention…at the right time.

How you determine this is 100% down to your patient assessment.

When I talk to 9 out of 10 new grads is is clear that they have a lot of work to do with their patients assessments.

All these conversations start with questions about treatment techniques or rehab…

But quickly turn to solutions that involve the assessment.

And this makes total sense…

Because if you do a poor job with your patient assessment, it’s highly unlikely you will be able find the right diagnosis or identify the right patient problems you need to fix up.

And if you do not know what problems you are trying to fix then how on earth do you pick the right treatments and rehab.

This is a real simple thing, that is logical and makes perfect sense…

But, most new grads gloss over the assessment.

You rush through your patient assessment…

Eager to get to the ‘sexy’ bit…

And do some fancy hands-on treatment technique or try a new rehab exercise you watched last night on insta…

But when these things do not work and your patient is not progressing as you hoped…

You wonder why you are stuck.

So you try another treatment technique or some other rehab exercise.

You bounce around from technique to technique, from one rehab exercise to another.

Sound familiar?

For most therapists you will see some improvements with your patients at the start, but after a few sessions this progress will start to stagnate.

You find yourself confused…

Your patient becoming increasingly frustrated as their symptoms are not improving…

Your head is spinning as you feel unsure what you should do next with your patient or athlete. 

If this happens to you need to…


You need to stop trying yet another treatment technique or rehab exercise and go back through to your patient assessment.

I guarantee, 100%, that you will have missed something…

A question you could have asked better in the subjective assessment…

A test in your objective assessment that you could of done differently (or that you forgot to do altogether)…

A more appropriate special test that you could use to ensure you are truly working to fix the right patient diagnosis.

This is very different to what most therapists actually do…even experienced ones.

Most just keep slogging their guts out.

You work ‘harder’ by giving your patients more.

More treatment techniques….

More time for their appointments…

Or more rehab exercises…

Over and over and over again.


Stop what you are doing.


Start looking for the one thing – that will REALLY help you make sense of what is going on with your patient.

This is what is going to help you find the real issue.

Once you identify this then you will know exactly what to focus your time, efforts and energy on. 

The one thing that is really going to help you be able to pick the right treatments and prescribe the right rehab is… 

Having a structured “assessment process” that PREDICTABLY gives you the information you need from your patients, every single time.

Regardless of what age, gender or injury your patient  has.

And best of all…

It gives you complete confidence in what you are doing.

You know what questions you are going ask in your subjective assessment (and you understand why you are asking these questions)…

You know what tests you are going to do as part of your objective assessment, in what order (and why this is so important)…

And even better…

The have the conviction and confidence to give your patient their diagnosis as you know you have covered all bases.

You have ruled out your those red flags… 

You have nailed the diagnosis and you have a list of problems that tell you where to start with your treatments and rehab.

I help students and therapists with this all the time…

Helping them to learn a simple structured assessment process…

Taking away all that confusion and guesswork…

To get the patient results you really want.

Results that are way beyond your level of experience. 

The process is simple but consistently gives you the information you need to know what to do with your treatments and rehab. 

Regardless of what injury you are dealing with. 

Then once you know how to do this…

Then you can start learning new treatments and rehab exercises that will help you get even faster patient results (I teach these too!).

Wanna see how this works?

I’ll show you step-by-step how the whole thing works.

From subjective to objective to rehab planning and prescription.

Click here  to identify exactly where you can make improvements to your patient assessments to get the best and quickest improvements in your patient results.


P.S. If you keep doing what you are doing, you are going to keep getting what you keep getting.

Let’s make 2022 your best year yet for you and your patients.

It all starts here