Tuesday 6th April 2021 19:00 (UK)

Revealed! How To Stand Out To Get Your Dream Placement or Job Even If You Have No Connections & Without Having To Wait To Get

Upper Limb Return To Play Course

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On This Webinar You Will Discover…

  • STOP! The #1 Reason You Do Not Get A Reply To Your Emails Asking For A Placement Or A Job & How To Fix This
  • [Non-Physio’s] Why Going Back To Uni To Study An MSc Physio Degree Could Be A Total Waste Of Time & The Most Costly (££££) Mistake You Ever Make
  • Why You Need To Identify What Your Dream Job Is Early (And Go After It) Or Miss Any Chance That You Might Have On Ever Achieving This Role
  • What 99% of Students & New Grads Are Doing Wrong When It Comes To Writing Their CV & Cover Letters
  • The 6 Step Process You Need To Follow To Stand Out From The Crowd, Get Ahead Of Your Peers & Accelerate Your Career Faster Than You Ever Though Possible
  • Plus I’ll Be Holding A LIVE Q & A Session To Answer Any Questions

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