NewGrad Physio: ‘Standing Toe Touch – Not Just A Lower Back Test!’
When you use a standing forward flexion test or toe touch, what do you actually look for?
Quality of movement?
Probably all the above…hopefully.
You’d probably use this type of test for a patient reporting lower back pain, maybe hip or thoracic pain (joint below and above) but…
Would you use this test for a patient with shoulder or Achilles pain or with patella tendinopathy?
Probably not I’m guessing, but you should…
You should assess the toe touch, and other big movements like trunk extension, side-flexion and rotation for EVERY patient you see.
Listen to this week’s episode to find out exactly what you might be missing if you do not do these tests as part of your objective assessment…
And how these tests can often be the missing link and the reason for unsuccessful patient rehab!
Enjoy the show!
PS. Have you watched my latest free webinar ‘Stand Out From The Crowd To Get Your Dream First Job or Placement Even If You Have No Connections or Experience.’
This webinar will give you actionable advice to really open doors and get your career moving and you can get instant access to it right here… www.newgradphysio.com/courses