NewGrad Physio: ‘Ruling Out Serious Pathology By Asking Your Patient This Simple Question’

The physio room is NOT the place your patient needs to be if they have something sinister going on and it is your job during the assessment to work this out.

Failure to identify possible sinister problems is not great for you or your patient as you might start treating something you should not.

This is why you ask those important red flag questions…

But 99% of therapists fall short when screening for sinister problems during their patient assessments.

There is one super important question you need to ask each and every patient you see.

It is a question that I am almost certain you will not be asking, because you will not have been taught this at University…

But is super important if you want to make the right treatment decisions with each and every patient that you see.

Learn more in this week’s podcast.

Enjoy the show!

PS. Andy would love to hear your feedback on this podcast. Please leave a review or get in touch at andy@newgradphysio.com and he will get right back to you.

PPS. To get a copy of Andy’s book ‘How To Become A Competent, Confident & Competitive New Grad Physio’ or to access ALL his FREE learning resources visit… www.newgradphysio.com