But despite what many therapists believe…
A positive red flag answer does not mean instant referral to A & E or the need for a second opinion.
Many New Grad’s often tell me they just feel like they go through the motions and ask ‘red flag’ questions just for asking sake…
Unsure about what they might do if the patient did answer YES to any one of those red flag questions!
This podcast episode will help you make sense of your red flag questioning.
It will help you remember what questions, you need to ask…
When you need to be cautious and ask further questions…
And when it is safe to treat.
Enjoy the show!
PS. Andy would love to hear your feedback on this podcast. Please leave a review or get in touch at andy@newgradphysio.com and he will get right back to you.
To get a copy of Andy’s book ‘How To Become A Competent, Competent & Competitive New Grad Physio’ or to access ALL his FREE learning resources visit… www.newgradphysio.com