We were 4 months in to a 9 month rehab programme and he had been struggling for the last 3 months.
I had spent 1-2 hours with him almost every day of the week with his post op shoulder treatment and rehab yet…
I was totally unaware of what was going on in his head.
As a health progressional I was meant to help him.
Looking back I let him down.
I didn’t have the knowledge, skills or confidence with this type of problem.
There’s no worse feeling when you can NOT help your patient.
Knowing what I know now has greatly helped me in my day-day practice by helping me really understand what questions to ask my patient and athletes to identify and deal with any yellow flag issues.
Yellow flag questioning is NOT just trying to identify previous or current mental health issues or social problems.
It’s about identifying barriers that may affect your treatment plan and stop you and your patient getting the end result you are trying to achieve.
In this podcast I will share 3 Vital Yellow Flag Questions that I now ask with every single patient and athlete that I work with.
These questions will not only help you identify possible yellow flags problems…
Problems that if left unaddressed can derail your treatment plan and patient progress..
But help you to tackle these yellow flag issues, all in the very first session.
Enjoy the show!
PS. Andy would love to hear your feedback on this podcast. Please leave a review or get in touch at andy@newgradphysio.com and he will get right back to you.
To get a copy of Andy’s book ‘How To Become A Competent, Competent & Competitive New Grad Physio’ or to access ALL his FREE learning resources visit… www.newgradphysio.com