Often these injuries are mistaken for lateral ankle injuries like an ATFL or CFL ligament injury.
And this is a big issue…
As the management of syndesmosis injuries and lateral ankle injuries, is completely different!
It’s kind of funny that I have put together a podcast episode, advising new grads about how to not misdiagnose these types of problems…
Because I did exactly the same myself as a new grad!
One of my most memorable *%$@ ups as a newly qualified therapist was missing an ankle syndesmosis injury.
That experience left me wondering and questioning my knowledge and I set about learning everything I could about ankle syndesmosis injuries.
Over the last 10 + years, having managed dozens of these types of injuries, I have learnt more and more, and I hope this podcast helps you to better understand the ankle syndesmosis and especially syndesmosis special tests.
I will detail the ankle syndesmosis special test I used the most often and explain why this should always be the first test you should use if you suspect an ankle syndesmosis injury.
Enjoy the show!
PS. Andy would love to hear your feedback on this podcast. Please leave a review or get in touch at andy@newgradphysio.com and he will get right back to you.
To get a copy of Andy’s book ‘How To Become A Competent, Competent & Competitive New Grad Physio’ or to access ALL his FREE learning resources visit… www.newgradphysio.com