NewGrad Physio: ‘Are You Making This Vital Career Mistake?’

It might be that dream first job…

Perfect placement…

Or even that next promotion that will give you more responsibility, more authority or more pay.

Why is it that some people seem to get ‘lucky’ and get the best opportunities…

Whilst this ‘luck’ never seems to happen to you?

In this week’s podcast episode you’ll discover why ‘luck’ has nothing to do with it…

And learn what you actually need to do to get your foot in the door to your dream first job and climb the promotion ladder faster than you ever though possible.

Enjoy the show!

PS. If you enjoyed this podcast then you will love my latest free webinar ‘Stand Out From The Crowd To Get Your Dream First Job or Placement Even If You Have No Connections or Experience.’

This webinar will give you actionable advice to really open doors and get your career moving and you can get instant access to it right here… www.newgradphysio.com/courses